Use the libav based aubio decoder by default (fastest audio to numpy array converter on the planet!)
Add a VAMP based analyzer and a few plugins like VampFlatness, VampCrest, VampTempo, VampTuning, VampSpectralCentroid, VampSpectralKurtosis and VampSpectralSlope
Fix a lot of asynchronous processing issues: now do every pre-processing, processing and post-processing tasks through the worker including source stream fetching from youtube
Add a process monitor based on websocket
Waveform automatically processed on
Make UUID really unique
Reordering models
Improve unit tests
Server refactoring:
audio process run on items (REST API track’s model)
several tools, views, models and serializers
REST API’s schema on OpenAPI 3 specification and automatic Redoc generation
Move core and server from Python 2.7 to 3.7
Upgrade Django to 2.2, Django REST Framework to 3.11, Celery to 4.4
Add an Aubio based decoder
Add core and server processors’ versioning and server process’ run time
Regroup all dependencies on pip requirements removing conda use
Add Provider package as a core API component and as a REST API model
Add provider plugins DeezerPreview, DeezerComplete and YouTube
Improve server unit testing
Add JWT authentication on REST API
Various bug fixes
Add core, server and workers logging
Upgrade all python dependencies
Add Vamp, Essentia, Yaafe, librosa, PyTorch, Tensorflow libs and wrappers
Add a few analyzing plugins (Essentia Dissonance, Vamp Constant Q, Vamp Tempo, Vamp general wrapper, Yaafe general wrapper)
Add processor parameter management
Add processor inheritance
Improve HTML5 player with clever data streaming
Improve REST API and various serialzers
Improve unit testing
Various bug fixes
Add Docker support for instant installation. This allows to run TimeSide now on any OS platform!
Add Jupyter Notebook support for easy prototyping, experimenting and sharing (see the examples in the doc).
Add an experimental web server and REST API based on Django REST Framework, Redis and Celery. This now provides a real web audio processing server with high scaling capabilities thanks to Docker (clustering) and Celery (multiprocessing).
Start the development of a new player interface thanks to Angular and WavesJS.
Huge cleanup of JS files. Please now use bower to get all JS dependencies as listed in settings.
Add metadata export to Elan annotation files.
Fix and improve some data structures in analyzer result containers.
Many various bugfixes.
fix django version to 1.6.10 (sync with Telemeta 1.5)
Code refactoring:
Create a new module timeside.plugins and move processors therein: timeside.plugins.decoder,analyzer, timeside.plugins.encoder, timeside.plugins.fx
WARNING: to properly manage the namespace packages structure, the TimeSide main module is now timeside.core and code should now be initialized with import timeside.core
timeside.plugins is now a namespace package enabling external plugins to be automatically plugged into TimeSide (see for example timeside-diadems). This now makes TimeSide a real plugin host, yeah!
A dummy timeside plugin will soon be provided for easy development start.
Move all analyzers developped by the partners of the Diadems project to a new repository: timeside-diadems
Many fixes for a better processing by Travis-CI
Add a dox file to test the docker building continously on various distributions
For older news, please visit: