Encoder package

Core module

class timeside.core.encoder.GstEncoder(output, streaming=False, overwrite=False)[source]
process(self, frames, eod=False)[source]

Process input frames and return a (output_frames, eod) tuple. Both input and output frames are 2D numpy arrays, where columns are channels, and containing an undetermined number of frames. eod=True means that the end-of-data has been reached.

Output-only processors (such as decoders) will raise an exception if the frames argument is not None. All processors (even encoders) return data, even if that means returning the input unchanged.

Warning: it is required to call setup() before this method.


Release resources owned by this processor. The processor cannot be used anymore after calling this method.

set_metadata(self, metadata)[source]

Set the metadata to be embedded in the encoded output.

In non-streaming mode, this method updates the metadata directly into the output file, without re-encoding the audio data, provided this file already exists.

It isn’t required to call this method, but if called, it must be before process().

start_pipeline(self, channels, samplerate)[source]
type = 'encoder'


Flac encoder

class timeside.plugins.encoder.flac.FlacEncoder(output, streaming=False, overwrite=False)[source]

FLAC encoder based on Gstreamer

static file_extension()[source]

Return the filename extension corresponding to this encode format

static format()[source]

Return the encode/encoding format as a short string Example: “MP3”, “OGG”, “AVI”, …

static id()[source]

Short alphanumeric, lower-case string which uniquely identify this processor, suitable for use as an HTTP/GET argument value, in filenames, etc…

static mime_type()[source]

Return the mime type corresponding to this encode format

set_metadata(self, metadata)[source]

Set the metadata to be embedded in the encoded output.

In non-streaming mode, this method updates the metadata directly into the output file, without re-encoding the audio data, provided this file already exists.

It isn’t required to call this method, but if called, it must be before process().

setup(self, channels=None, samplerate=None, blocksize=None, totalframes=None)[source]

Allocate internal resources and reset state, so that this processor is ready for a new run.

The channels, samplerate and/or blocksize and/or totalframes arguments may be required by processors which accept input. An error will occur if any of these arguments is passed to an output-only processor such as a decoder.

static version()[source]

Return the version of the processor

Aac encoder

class timeside.plugins.encoder.m4a.AacEncoder(output, streaming=False, overwrite=False)[source]

AAC encoder based on Gstreamer

static file_extension()[source]

Return the filename extension corresponding to this encode format

static format()[source]

Return the encode/encoding format as a short string Example: “MP3”, “OGG”, “AVI”, …

static id()[source]

Short alphanumeric, lower-case string which uniquely identify this processor, suitable for use as an HTTP/GET argument value, in filenames, etc…

static mime_type()[source]

Return the mime type corresponding to this encode format

set_metadata(self, metadata)[source]

Set the metadata to be embedded in the encoded output.

In non-streaming mode, this method updates the metadata directly into the output file, without re-encoding the audio data, provided this file already exists.

It isn’t required to call this method, but if called, it must be before process().

setup(self, channels=None, samplerate=None, blocksize=None, totalframes=None)[source]

Allocate internal resources and reset state, so that this processor is ready for a new run.

The channels, samplerate and/or blocksize and/or totalframes arguments may be required by processors which accept input. An error will occur if any of these arguments is passed to an output-only processor such as a decoder.

static version()[source]

Return the version of the processor

Mp3 encoder

class timeside.plugins.encoder.mp3.Mp3Encoder(output, streaming=False, overwrite=False, target='quality', target_value=2, cbr=False)[source]

MP3 encoder based on Gstreamer

static file_extension()[source]

Return the filename extension corresponding to this encode format

static format()[source]

Return the encode/encoding format as a short string Example: “MP3”, “OGG”, “AVI”, …

static id()[source]

Short alphanumeric, lower-case string which uniquely identify this processor, suitable for use as an HTTP/GET argument value, in filenames, etc…

static mime_type()[source]

Return the mime type corresponding to this encode format

setup(self, channels=None, samplerate=None, blocksize=None, totalframes=None)[source]

Allocate internal resources and reset state, so that this processor is ready for a new run.

The channels, samplerate and/or blocksize and/or totalframes arguments may be required by processors which accept input. An error will occur if any of these arguments is passed to an output-only processor such as a decoder.

static version()[source]

Return the version of the processor


Write all ID3v2.4 tags to file from self.metadata

Vorbis encoder

class timeside.plugins.encoder.ogg.VorbisEncoder(output, streaming=False, overwrite=False)[source]

OGG Vorbis encoder based on Gstreamer

static file_extension()[source]

Return the filename extension corresponding to this encode format

static format()[source]

Return the encode/encoding format as a short string Example: “MP3”, “OGG”, “AVI”, …

static id()[source]

Short alphanumeric, lower-case string which uniquely identify this processor, suitable for use as an HTTP/GET argument value, in filenames, etc…

static mime_type()[source]

Return the mime type corresponding to this encode format

set_metadata(self, metadata)[source]

Set the metadata to be embedded in the encoded output.

In non-streaming mode, this method updates the metadata directly into the output file, without re-encoding the audio data, provided this file already exists.

It isn’t required to call this method, but if called, it must be before process().

setup(self, channels=None, samplerate=None, blocksize=None, totalframes=None)[source]

Allocate internal resources and reset state, so that this processor is ready for a new run.

The channels, samplerate and/or blocksize and/or totalframes arguments may be required by processors which accept input. An error will occur if any of these arguments is passed to an output-only processor such as a decoder.

static version()[source]

Return the version of the processor

Wav encoder

class timeside.plugins.encoder.wav.WavEncoder(output, streaming=False, overwrite=False)[source]

WAV encoder based on Gstreamer

static file_extension()[source]

Return the filename extension corresponding to this encode format

static format()[source]

Return the encode/encoding format as a short string Example: “MP3”, “OGG”, “AVI”, …

static id()[source]

Short alphanumeric, lower-case string which uniquely identify this processor, suitable for use as an HTTP/GET argument value, in filenames, etc…

static mime_type()[source]

Return the mime type corresponding to this encode format

set_metadata(self, metadata)[source]

Set the metadata to be embedded in the encoded output.

In non-streaming mode, this method updates the metadata directly into the output file, without re-encoding the audio data, provided this file already exists.

It isn’t required to call this method, but if called, it must be before process().

setup(self, channels=None, samplerate=None, blocksize=None, totalframes=None)[source]

Allocate internal resources and reset state, so that this processor is ready for a new run.

The channels, samplerate and/or blocksize and/or totalframes arguments may be required by processors which accept input. An error will occur if any of these arguments is passed to an output-only processor such as a decoder.

static version()[source]

Return the version of the processor

WebM encoder

class timeside.plugins.encoder.webm.WebMEncoder(output, streaming=False, overwrite=False, video=False)[source]

WebM encoder based on Gstreamer

static file_extension()[source]

Return the filename extension corresponding to this encode format

static format()[source]

Return the encode/encoding format as a short string Example: “MP3”, “OGG”, “AVI”, …

static id()[source]

Short alphanumeric, lower-case string which uniquely identify this processor, suitable for use as an HTTP/GET argument value, in filenames, etc…

static mime_type()[source]

Return the mime type corresponding to this encode format

set_metadata(self, metadata)[source]

Set the metadata to be embedded in the encoded output.

In non-streaming mode, this method updates the metadata directly into the output file, without re-encoding the audio data, provided this file already exists.

It isn’t required to call this method, but if called, it must be before process().

setup(self, channels=None, samplerate=None, blocksize=None, totalframes=None)[source]

Allocate internal resources and reset state, so that this processor is ready for a new run.

The channels, samplerate and/or blocksize and/or totalframes arguments may be required by processors which accept input. An error will occur if any of these arguments is passed to an output-only processor such as a decoder.

static version()[source]

Return the version of the processor

AudioSink encoder

class timeside.plugins.encoder.audiosink.AudioSink(output_sink='autoaudiosink')[source]

Gstreamer-based Audio Sink

This encoder plays the decoded audio stream to the sound card

output_sinkstr, optional

Gstreamer sink element Default to ‘autoaudiosink’ Possible values : ‘autoaudiosink’, ‘alsasink’, ‘osssink’

>>> import timeside
>>> from timeside.core import get_processor
>>> from timeside.core.tools.test_samples import samples
>>> wav_file = samples[‘sine440Hz_mono_1s.wav’]
>>> d = get_processor(‘file_decoder’)(wav_file)
>>> e = get_processor(‘live_encoder’)()
>>> (d|e).run() # doctest: +SKIP
static file_extension()[source]

Return the filename extension corresponding to this encode format

static format()[source]

Return the encode/encoding format as a short string Example: “MP3”, “OGG”, “AVI”, …

static id()[source]

Short alphanumeric, lower-case string which uniquely identify this processor, suitable for use as an HTTP/GET argument value, in filenames, etc…

static mime_type()[source]

Return the mime type corresponding to this encode format

set_metadata(self, metadata)[source]

Set the metadata to be embedded in the encoded output.

In non-streaming mode, this method updates the metadata directly into the output file, without re-encoding the audio data, provided this file already exists.

It isn’t required to call this method, but if called, it must be before process().

setup(self, channels=None, samplerate=None, blocksize=None, totalframes=None)[source]

Allocate internal resources and reset state, so that this processor is ready for a new run.

The channels, samplerate and/or blocksize and/or totalframes arguments may be required by processors which accept input. An error will occur if any of these arguments is passed to an output-only processor such as a decoder.

static version()[source]

Return the version of the processor