- live_encoder : Gstreamer-based Audio Sink
- flac_encoder : FLAC encoder based on Gstreamer
- aac_encoder : AAC encoder based on Gstreamer
- mp3_encoder : MP3 encoder based on Gstreamer
- vorbis_encoder : OGG Vorbis encoder based on Gstreamer
- opus_encoder : Opus encoder based on Gstreamer
- wav_encoder : WAV encoder based on Gstreamer
- webm_encoder : WebM encoder based on Gstreamer
- array_decoder : Decoder taking Numpy array as input
- file_decoder : File Decoder based on Gstreamer
- live_decoder : Live source Decoder based on Gstreamer
- grapher_aubio_pitch : Image representing Aubio Pitch
- grapher_onset_detection_function : Image representing Onset detection function
- grapher_waveform : Image representing Waveform from Analyzer
- spectrogram_log : Logarithmic scaled spectrogram (level vs. frequency vs. time).
- spectrogram_lin : Linear scaled spectrogram (level vs. frequency vs. time).
- waveform_simple : Simple monochrome waveform image.
- waveform_centroid : Waveform where peaks are colored relatively to the spectral centroids of each frame buffer.
- waveform_contour_black : Black amplitude contour waveform.
- waveform_contour_white : an white amplitude contour wavform.
- waveform_transparent : Transparent waveform.
- mean_dc_shift : Mean DC shift analyzer
- level : Audio level analyzer
- aubio_melenergy : Aubio Mel Energy analyzer
- aubio_mfcc : Aubio MFCC analyzer
- aubio_pitch : Aubio Pitch estimation analyzer
- aubio_specdesc : Aubio Spectral Descriptors collection analyzer
- aubio_temporal : Aubio Temporal analyzer
- yaafe : Yaafe feature extraction library interface analyzer
- spectrogram_analyzer : Spectrogram image builder with an extensible buffer based on tables
- onset_detection_function : Onset Detection Function analyzer
- spectrogram_analyzer_buffer : Spectrogram image builder with an extensible buffer based on tables
- waveform_analyzer : Waveform analyzer
- fx_gain : Gain effect processor