Telemeta project presented at middle and south America sound archive communities
Thanks to Perla Olivia Rodrigues from IIBI / UNAM University from Mexico, Dr. Guillaume Pellerin and Eng. Joséphine Simonnot have been able to present the Telemeta project and its open source strategies to a large community of professionals of middle and south America. The session has been streamed online thanks to IIBI.
Title: El uso del open source en la preservación digital de contenidos sonoros: Telemeta
Languages: english, french and spanish
- Dr. Guillaume Pellerin, IRCAM, France
- Pável Granados, Dir. Gral. Fonoteca Nacional
- Eng. Josephine Simmonot, CNRS Francia
- Mtra. Sibylle Hayem, Fonoteca Nacional
- Modera: Dra. Perla Olivia Rodríguez, IIBI/ UNAM